Boost your well-being: Create a self-care routine

Wellness is a positive state of physical, mental and emotional health, more than just the absence of disease. A regular wellness routine improves your quality of life by taking care of your body and mind. It helps you manage stress, increase energy and productivity, and sleep better. Integrating healthy activities into your daily routine helps to establish a balanced life.

Changing habits and adopting new practices can be difficult, but with practice, planning and motivation, you can create an effective routine. This guide will help you design a program tailored to your lifestyle.


Training is a key element of a wellness routine. It's important to choose types of training that suit you and that you enjoy, as this will keep you motivated in the long term.

For many, the ideal workout combines cardiovascular and muscle-strengthening exercises.

Aiming for 150 minutes of moderate-to-high intensity cardio activity per week is a good target, according to WHO recommendations. For muscle strengthening, 2 to 3 sessions a week targeting the main muscle groups is effective. At Vsquare, we recommend you get active every day, varying activities and intensities. This can range from 2 or 3 muscle workouts adapted to your reality, yoga practices, playing outside, walking in the mountains or in the streets with stop for a coffee 😎.

Training intensity should be adapted to your current fitness level. Gradually increase the difficulty and duration over the weeks. By varying the types of training you do and gradually increasing the intensity, you'll get the maximum benefit from exercise for your health and well-being.


Mindfulness is a meditation practice that focuses attention on the present moment, without judgment. This helps reduce stress, improve concentration and lead a more serene life.

Recommended practices

There are many techniques for practicing mindfulness:

- Sitting meditation - Find a quiet spot, sit comfortably with your back straight and your eyes closed. Focus on your breathing for 5 to 10 minutes. Applications such as Calm, Open, Headspace or Petit Bambou can be of great help.

- Walking meditation - Walk slowly, focusing on your steps and breathing.

- Bodyscan - Lying on your back, sweep your attention over the different parts of your body.

- Yoga, tai chi - Disciplines that combine movement and mindfulness.


Ideally, you should practice mindfulness meditation every day for 10 to 20 minutes. You can start with 5 minutes a day and gradually increase. The important thing is to find a time slot that suits your schedule and stick to it.


Numerous studies have demonstrated the benefits of mindfulness:

- Reduced stress and anxiety

- Better concentration and productivity

- Reduction of mental ruminations

- Improved sleep

- Greater inner calm and well-being

- Better management of emotions

The regular practice of mindfulness helps to calm the mind and live more serenely on a daily basis. It's an excellent addition to any wellness routine.

Healthy eating

A healthy diet is essential to support a wellness routine. It's important to keep things simple and not change everything at once. At Vsquare, we'd rather add healthy foods than take them away. Here are a few nutritional tips:

Key nutrients

Prioritize foods rich in:

- Fibers

- Lean proteins

- Good fats (omega-3, etc.)

- Complex carbohydrates

- Vitamins and minerals

Fiber, protein and good fats satiate and stabilize energy. Vitamins and minerals are responsible for many vital functions, including maintaining a healthy metabolism, growth and development, strengthening the immune system and protecting against chronic disease.

Preferred foods

- Fruits and vegetables in every color

- Lean proteins: poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, legumes

- Whole grains: quinoa, rice, barley, oats

- Healthy fats: avocado, olives, nuts, seeds

- Fermented products: yogurt, kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchi

Prefer to prepare your meals from whole foods. Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated.


Recovery is an essential part of a wellness routine, as it allows the body and mind to recharge. Here are a few tips for integrating recovery into your routine:


Sleep is essential for physical and mental health. Try to get between 7 and 9 hours' sleep a night. Adopt a regular bedtime routine and create an environment conducive to sleep (darkness, freshness, absence of noise). Avoid screens before bedtime (1 hour) and practice relaxation techniques to help you fall asleep easily.


Give yourself moments of relaxation in your day. You can meditate, take a hot bath, read a book or listen to relaxing music. Deep breathing and gentle stretching are also excellent ways to unwind. Disconnect from screens and take a break from stress.

Muscle recovery

After training, it's important to let your muscles recover. Alternate the muscle groups you use from one session to the next. Allow 1 to 2 days' rest between each session involving the same muscle group. Massage, tools such as Theragun or Normatec compression boots and cold baths speed up recovery. Get enough sleep and stay well hydrated. A balanced diet provides the necessary nutrients.

By incorporating recovery time into your routine, your body and mind will be more rested. This will optimize your performance and general well-being.


Planning is the key to establishing a wellness routine that lasts. It's important to think ahead about how to incorporate training, mindfulness, healthy eating and recovery into your schedule.

Plan specific time slots each day or week for each element. For example, you could do 30 minutes of training in the morning, 10 minutes of meditation in the evening, prepare healthy meals 2 times a week, and plan a recovery activity like yoga or a massage every Sunday.

Use a diary, calendar or app to block out these times in advance. This will help you commit and make your routine more concrete.

Make sure you allow for flexibility too. It's normal for your schedule to change from time to time. Have a plan B for your various wellness activities so you can always fit them in. For example, you could do a quick yoga session at home if you miss the studio class.

By taking the time to plan every aspect of your routine, you'll increase your chances of long-term success.

Possible obstacles

When creating a new wellness routine, it's normal to encounter obstacles. However, there are ways of overcoming them.

Lack of motivation - It's easy to lose motivation, especially at the beginning. Set yourself realistic goals, reward yourself for your progress and find a friend or support group to motivate you.

Lack of time - Build your routine into your schedule. Get up 30 minutes earlier to meditate or exercise during your lunch break. Prioritize essential activities.

Fatigue or exhaustion - Listen to your body. Plan rest days and don't push yourself too hard. Adjust your routine if necessary.

Relapses - Don't be discouraged if you skip sessions. Think of it as just a hiccup, and resume as soon as possible. One day's break doesn't cancel out all your progress.

Obstacles are normal. Stay positive, be flexible and don't give up. With perseverance, your new routine will become a healthy habit.

Staying motivated

It can be difficult to stay motivated and faithful to your new wellness routine. Here are a few tips to help you do just that:

- Start slowly. Don't put too much pressure on yourself right from the start by trying to do too much. Gradually increase the demands of your routine to keep it realistic and motivating. One or two additions per week are sufficient. We're aiming for lasting improvements!

- Vary your activities. Alternate between different types of training, try new healthy recipes, explore different meditation techniques. Variety will help you stay motivated.

- Reward yourself. Plan a small reward when you reach a goal, like a massage or a movie night. It'll make you want to keep going.

- Find a routine partner. There's nothing like a friend to motivate you to stay regular. You'll be able to encourage each other.

- Track your progress. Record your activities and progress in a journal or app to see how far you've come. It's very motivating.

- Focus on the positive. Emphasize the benefits of your routine rather than the effort. Think of the best version of yourself.

- Be compassionate with yourself. Don't be too hard on yourself if you stray from your goals. Gently pull yourself back on track.

By adopting these tips, it will be easier to stay motivated and faithful to your wellness routine over the long term.

Example of a routine

Here's a concrete example of what a daily wellness routine might look like:


- 7:00 a.m. - Wake up peacefully without an alarm

- 7:15 a.m. - 15-minute guided meditation

- 7:30 am - Light morning workout (30 min yoga or brisk walk with dog)

- 8:00 am - Balanced breakfast (oatmeal, fresh fruit, eggs)


- 12h00 - Healthy and nutritious lunch (mixed salad, salmon, rice)

- 12:30 - 15-minute digestive walk

- 1:00 pm - Reading or listening to an informative podcast during free time


- 7:00 pm - Dinner (sautéed vegetables, roast chicken and sweet potato fries)

- 8:00 pm - Relaxing hot bath with epsom salts and essential oils

- 9:00 pm - Read a relaxing book before bedtime

- 10:00 p.m. - Go to bed early for a good night's sleep

By following a similar routine, you can integrate the different aspects of a healthy, balanced lifestyle. The important thing is to plan activities that suit you and bring you well-being. Don't hesitate to adapt this routine to your own schedule. The secret is regularity in good habits!


A complete wellness routine that includes training, mindfulness, healthy eating and recovery can help you achieve balance and a healthier lifestyle. By taking a holistic approach to wellness, you can truly transform your life.

Here are the main benefits of adopting this kind of routine:

- Improved physical health through regular exercise and a balanced diet

- Better mental health and stress management through meditation and mindfulness exercises

- More energy and productivity by taking care of yourself

- Sense of accomplishment in achieving well-being goals

- Increased self-esteem by taking the time to do positive things for yourself

- Better sleep and recovery with healthy habits

- Improved long-term longevity and quality of life

Although it takes some initial effort, it's well worth investing in a complete wellness routine. Your body and mind will thank you. Take the time to create positive habits that will make you feel good about yourself.


Opening up to the present moment with mindfulness


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